There is one rule for the industrialist and that is: Make the best quality of goods possible at the lowest cost possible, paying the highest wages possible." – Henry FordStudents living costs cover everything they need to pay for, excluding their tuition fees for academic course while they are studying at university. For example:
Course costs/study materials
Personal expenses and transport
In order to live at ease on your own while you are in Uzhhorod, you will need to have about $USD 2500 per year for living costs, besides the cost of your tuition. The cost of living in Uzhhorod is cheaper than the other cities of all European countries. The amount of living in Uzhhorod is greater than what you pay for academics, although it is difficult to give an exact and precise figure of all expenses because of the variations in the student's lifestyle.You will receive advices & recommendations from financial advisers on how to handle your cash, when you will start living in Uzhhorod. However it's necessary to note that you simply ought to keep some money with yourself for different immediate costs or expenses (e.g. airport costs or transport). You may also need further funds within the form of travelers' cheques which can be readily cashed. Traveler cheques can be paid easily and will help in clearing expenses. For the ease of students, many foreign exchange offices are working all over in the state.We strongly recommend that while living in Ukraine you should not carry large amounts of cash personally and it will be better to leave excess amount of cash in your room. We suggest students to open a bank account in any of the banks situated here, as soon as after reaching here, although there are three banks with branches in the campus area. There are many automatic teller machines (ATM) that dispenses cash 24 hours a day.Any major amounts of money could also be sent in the form of a bank draft to the students from the home country but electronic transfers, in most cases are the best & useful method of sending funds to Ukraine because overseas cheques are sometimes very difficult to clear and are not very recommended.