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Pre- Medical Course is the first step toward medical education. Pre Medical Course involves activities like volunteer activities, clinical research, clinical experience, and more. These activities are required to prepare the student for medical school. The student doesn't necessarily have to be a science major to pursue Pre-Med.

At Uzhhorod National Medical University, the course is recognized and approved by the Ministry of Public Health and Ministry of Education. The successful completion of the course gives students the much required base for their higher medical degree courses.

Students can opt for General Biology, Inorganic Chemistry, Introduction to Anatomy, and Computer Science as their major for Pre-Medical Course.

These subjects are designed for students to gear up for their degrees. The course will make the students well versed in the language, methodology, and education system in Ukraine.

best pre medical universities


1 Year


English as well as Ukrainian

It makes Uzhhorod Medical University an international education hub for students.


Language Tuition Fees (in USD)
English 3500 USD Per Year
Ukrainian 3500 USD Per Year
Accommodation/Hostel Fees 850 USD Per Year
Health insurance 150 USD Per Year
Step 1: Application for eligibility:

Student needs to fill up the application form and apply with scanned copies of international passport, all educational documents & birth certificates. The University will verify the documents and application form.

Step 2: Application for Invitation:

After the verification of documents and application form, the University will send a scanned copy of the Admission / Eligibility letter. After receiving the letter, the student needs to apply for the Invitation Letter.

Step 3: VISA:

With the Invitation Letter student can apply for a visa to the Ukraine Embassy in their country. For the Visa, the student needs to apply with a few required documents.

Step 4: Arrival:

After getting the visa student must send the scan copy of the Visa & flight details to the admission office before one week of arrival. One of the representatives from our University will pick up the student from the student.

Step 5: Documentations:

After the arrival of the student at the university, he/she needs to submit all the documents & university fees.