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Structural Units

Uzhhorod National University includes the following:
  • College of natural sciences and humanities
  • 23 educational-scientific institutes and faculties (113 departments in all)
  • 25 scientific-research institutes
  • Centres and laboratories
  • 4 museums-- zoological, archaeological, University history, a museum of ancient printed books (incunabula)
  • A scientific library, university campus
  • The centre of student leisure "Juventus"
  • The sport complex "Burevisnyk"
  • The alpine skiing base "Plishka" and the Alpine (high-mountain) biological base "Kolochava"
  • Botanical Gardens and a vivarium
  • The sanatorium-dispensary "Skalka"
  • The social-psychological service
  • A dental clinic
  • The "Hoverla" publishing house and the newspaper "Pohlyad"
  • A media centre
  • Administrative and supply economic sections/ departments.