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Frequently Asked Questions


Where is Ukraine located?

It is the largest country in European continent and is located in southern eastern part of Europe.

What is the Capital of Ukraine and its population?

Kiev is the Capital of Ukraine, which has an overall population of 50 million (UN, 2004 data).

Which airlines fly to Ukraine?

The flights which are flying to Ukraine is Turkish airways, Ukraine international airlines, Aeroswift, Aeroflot, KLM, Lufthansa, Air-France, Austrian Airlines and Don-bass Airways. The airport you have to use to come to Ukraine is:-

"Kyiv Boryspil International Airport"

NB: - You must need to inform the admission office of the university after booking the flight ticket by sending the scan copy of the ticket & the visa scan copy at info@Unmuedu.com before 1 week of departure from your country.

NB: - University will arrange everything for airport pickup. There is no need to contact any agency/student for airport pickup. In case of other airport if you used to arrive, this may cause deputation or immigration may not allow to getting entry in Ukraine and university will not be responsible for the reason.

What is the currency used in Ukraine?

The currency used in Ukraine is Hryvnia and the coins used are known as Kopiyka. US$ 1= 8 Hryvnia. (Kindly check FOREX rates for latest update)

What languages are commonly used in Ukraine?

Languages that are commonly used in Ukraine are Ukrainian, Romanian, Russian, Hungarian and Polish.

Is Ukraine the member of European Union?

No, at the moment Ukraine is not the member either European Union or Schengen Agreement. But taking into consideration that Ukraine shares European democratic principles of development, located geographically in Europe and borders with USSR member states in the west, entrance to European union is a strategic goal for our country. At the moment the implementation of passport-free-zone between Ukraine and EU is considered. European choice of Ukraine is confirmed with the fact that European Football championship Euro-2012 will take place in Ukraine. And we are proud that Kharkov is one of 4 cities where European Football matches Euro-2012 will take place. And if you decide to arrive to Kharkov for studies you will be able to see this championship with your own eyes.


What is the admission procedure for Uzhhorod National University?

Admission procedure includes 4 steps –

  1. Application for Eligibility – Student need to apply with Filled application form, scan copies of international passport, all educational documents & birth certificates.
  2. Application for Invitation – After verification of all documents university will send a scan copy of Admission / Eligibility letter, then student need to apply for the Invitation Letter.
  3. Getting visa – With the Invitation Letter student can apply for visa to Ukraine Embassy in their country & get the visa with few weeks. After getting the visa student must need to send the Visa scan copy & flight details to the admission office before one week of the arrival to receive him /her from airport.
  4. Arrival & Submission of documents – After getting the visa student must need to send the Visa scan copy & flight details to the admission office before one week of the arrival to receive him /her from airport. Then while the student arrived finally at university he/she needs to submit all the documents & university fees.
When is the best time to start processing admission to study in Ukraine?

It is better to apply by January, as there are only limited seats for admission in respective faculty. The admission is given first come first serve basis. Means, those students who is having the eligibility they will get the admission before than others.

How long does the admission process take?

After submitting the application (filled application form & scan copies of int. passport, educational documents & birth certificate) it will take 2 – 5 days to prepare the Admission / Eligibility Letter. Then university will send the scan copy of the admission letter to the email address of student.

How long does it take to prepare the invitation?

University starts issuing Invitation letters from April/May. It takes normally 7-15 days to prepare the invitation letter from the education ministry. After that it will send to the student via FedEx, which will take more 1 week

What is the Invitation Letter & what is it for?
  1. The student invitation for education is the official document, which is processed by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine.
  2. It confirms that the student is admitted to a particular University.
  3. It specifies your passport details and the full name of the University.
  4. This invitation support letter is required by the Ukrainian Embassy to stamp the visa on your passport.
When is Deadline to apply?

University accepts all new students around the year. We are on rolling admission, which means that we will accept and review applications on a rolling basis as they are received up until the start of term. However, students are encouraged to begin their application process as soon as possible to ensure their ability to start in their desired term and to take full advantage of opportunities.

How do I know if my existing high school result/bachelor's degree is valid in Ukraine?

In general most High School result are accepted, institutions evaluate degrees on an individual basis.

When academic year start in Uzhhorod National University?

In accordance with Ukrainian legislation foreign students usually arrive for studying at Ukrainian educational establishments from the 15th of August till the 15th of November.

Is it possible to get scholarship or grant for foreign students while studying in Ukrainian higher educational establishments?

Unfortunately no, there are no scholarships or grants for foreign citizens in Ukraine.

Is Admission guaranteed?

Yes admission is guarantee, if only you meet the general admission requirement on our website.


Is it possible to get scholarship or grant for foreign students while studying in Ukrainian higher educational establishments?

Unfortunately no, there are no scholarships or grants for foreign citizens in Ukraine.

Can we pay the tuition fee in installments?

You need to pay the first year total tuition fees & other costs in a single payment. From 2nd year & onwards you can pay the fee in two installments, each installment in a semester wise.

Does University provide airport pickup facilities?

Yes, we do. There is no extra fees need to paid for service. This is included in the fees package.

How to open a bank account?

There are 2 national banks present in our university main campus. Student can go to the bank and ask for the account details. It takes minimum 1 week to get the account details.

How do my parents can send me money for my expenses?

Parents can send the money directly to the student's bank account in Ukraine by the way of a wire transfer. The student is recommended to open a bank account as soon as the process of registration is completed, which generally takes around 10-15 days.

What will be my living cost in Ukraine?

For the first 2 to 3 months your average monthly expenses would be around US$ 400-500 because initially you will have to purchase necessary items and pay for your registration. Monthly amount spent on food ranges from US$ 100 to US$ 150.


Are students allowed to live off-campus during studies?

It is advisable for students to live in the university hostel during studies, as it makes it easier for processing their residential registration documents and general security purposes. However, students can be allowed to live off university hostels, as long as they officially process their residential registration documents to reflect the correct address of the off-campus accommodation where they reside.

Are students allowed to live alone in a hostel room?

Students are allowed to live alone in the hostel room, but at an extra charge. The extra charge will be to offset the cost of the other supposed inmates for the room. Depending on the size of the room, the number of allowed inmates for a room could be either two, or three which is the maximum.


What is the Visa invitation letter for?
  1. The study invitation letter for education is the official document, which is processed by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine.
  2. It confirms that the student is admitted to a particular University.
  3. It specifies your passport details and the full name of the University.
  4. This invitation support letter is required by the Ukrainian Embassy to stamp the visa on your passport.
What is the Ukraine Visa procedure?

Different countries have different visa requirements. It is better to contact the Ukraine Embassy in your country directly to know about the Ukraine visa procedure.

Whether a life and a health insurance are necessary?

Before the arrival of the student to Ukraine, it is necessary to process the life and the health insurance.

Can a student work while studying?

Students can't work while studying as he/ she is a holder of only a student Visa, which does not comply with the employment guidelines in the country. If the student is involved in any kind of employment, the immigration is forced to deport him/ her without further notice.

Can the student travel home or other countries on vacation?

Summer vacation for all students irrespective of their study lasts for 2 months, from July 1 to August 31 every year. As for the degree course (5 years), winter vacations last for 2 weeks from the last week of January till the first week of February every year. Can parents visit him? Parents / friends / relatives can visit students. Tourist invitations can be issued. During holidays, students can stay back overseas or visit their countries as they prefer.

Can we apply for permanent citizenship of Ukraine?

You can also apply for permanent residence and citizenship but after 3 years regular stay in Ukraine according to Ukrainian law.