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25th Anniversary Celebration of International Medical Students' Conference Cracow, Poland

International Students' Conference of Medical Sciences aims to provide a valuable opportunity to students from all around the world and offer them an international platform to present the results of their research work on various themes in the field of medical science and to discuss them with well renowned scientists and researchers.

International Medical Students Conference 2017

The IMSC is a review of scientific output of medical students and a competition for the best paper presented as a scientific reports that are evaluated by the jury, whose members are invited by the organizational committee which is appointed by the Board of Students` Scientific Society of the Jagiellonian University Medical College.

Indian Students of Uzhhorod National University

The Indian and international students of Uzhhorod National University, Ukraine one of the premier medical universities has also participated in workshops, lectures and competitions.

Aanchal Sareen a student of Uzhhorod National University from India presented a paper on the topic – "A comprehensive study of the effects of alternative medicines used to cure liver diseases and other multiple disorders."

Conferences & Presentations:
  • "State of Tuberculosis in India" Presented in Uzhhorod National Medical University, 2017.
  • Complementary and Alternative Effects of Liver Disorders Presented in Krakow, Jagiellonian University, Poland, 2017.
  • Presented a scientific report on the section of "Infectious Diseases & Alergology." (Uzhhorod, Ukraine)
  • She attended the seminar for the topic "How family medicine is practiced in America and preparing for U.S. residency." (Uzhhorod, Ukraine)
  • Workshop for first aid as a participant. (Uzhhorod, Ukraine).
  • Attended the 8th International Conference as a passive participant on the World Cancer Day. (Kiev, Ukraine)

Another Indian student named Rishabh Parihar from India has been active participant in the conference of Cracow, Poland. He presented the paper on the Topic– "Sanitary state and nosocominal infections of the regional hospitals."

Conferences & Presentations:
  • "Seasonal Forecasting of Malaria in India" Presented in Uzhhorod National Medical University, 2017
  • "Nosocomial Infections" Presented in Krakow, Jagiellonian University, Poland, 2017 
  • Passive participant in 8th International Students and Young Scientist's seminar dedicated to World Cancer Day. (KIEV, Ukraine)
  • Presented a scientific report on the section of "Infectious Diseases & Alergology."(Uzhhorod, Ukraine)
  • Attended the seminar for the topic "How family medicine is practiced in America and preparing for U.S. residency." (Uzhhorod, Ukraine)
  • Workshop for first aid as a participant. (Uzhhorod, Ukraine).

Uzhhorod National University students Aanchal Sareen & Rishabh Parihar both represented the research work under the session of "pharmacy" with the international students and attended many sessions like "Pediatrics" and "Forensic Science" on the following day in Sweitego Lazarza 16. Apart from attending the medical sessions, they attended the workshops on Laparoscopy, Neurosurgery, CT scan, Cardiology, Medical Aid Workshop, Perinatology, Basic Pharmacokinetics and Hypnosis.

Other Indian students of Uzhhorod national University - Waseem Khan, Ainkeshwar Pillai, Priyanka Rani, and Vivek Bouddh presented a paper on topic – "Complementary and Alternative Effects of Liver Disorders" in Krakow, Jagiellonian University, Poland, 2017.

Learning's from International Medical Students' Conference:
  • How to read the CT scan report?
  • How to use laparoscopy instruments inside dummy abdomen?
  • How to check cervix dilation at different stages of pregnancy?
  • How to determine emergency situations and act accordingly (CPR, Fainting, Bleeding and Fire)?
Experience Shared by Students of Uzhhorod National University

The Overall experience has been overwhelming as we got an opportunity to discuss our scientific reports and research with the renowned experts in the field of medical science.